

“Confiants” new orchestral work for OBC-L’Auditori

«Confiants», new orchestral work for Barcelona Symphony Orchestra – OBC in l’Auditori.

V-2022 / L’Auditori premiers the first orchestral work written and performed during lockdown.
The OBC performs ‎‎”Confiants‎” (Confident), the only work devised for a large orchestra that has been written, performed and premiered during the weeks of lockdown.
The video is a prelude to L’Auditori’s upcoming season, which will be presented on 5 June and will reveal part of the new image.

Go to «Confiants» in Youtube

Rosalia & Vivancos in the “Gala de los Premios Goya 2019”

II-2019 / Rosalia, flamenco and fusion music singer, trusted Vivancos to compose an arrangement for its perfomance in 2019 Goya awards ceremony (Spanish Cinema Academy awards 2019). She performed the song «Me quedo contigo», together with the «Cor Jove de l’Orfeó Català» conducted by Esteve Nabona.

Click here for more information

Click here to watch de video

«Bernat Vivancos, the timeless sound», starring the cover of 46th «440 Clàssica & jazz» music magazine

X-2018 / Bernat Vivancos starring the cover of the 46th music magazine «440 Clàssica & jazz» (October-November 2018) edited by Grup Enderrock. The magazine also includes a long interview by Jordi Martí about Bernat Vivancos musical career and biography, with Photos by Michal Novak.

«Magnificat Brevis» in Tallin, Estonia, by Cor Jove Nacional de Catalunya

VIII-2018 / During the 20th edition of Europa Cantat, the most important European coral singing festival, celebrated this year in Tallin, Estonia from July 27th to August 5th, The sixth Cor Jove Nacional de Catalunya (CJNC), conducted by Josep Vila Casañas performed Vivancos «Magnificat Brevis». Next October the Choir will record it in his first CD.

World Premiere of "Magnificat Brevis" in the "XLII International Congress of Pueri Cantores"

World Premiere of «Magnificat Brevis» in the «XLII International Congress of Pueri Cantores»

VII-2018 / During the «XLII International Congress of Pueri Cantores» hold in Barcelona on July 2018, it was the World Premiere of «Magnificat Brevis», by 4.000 Pueri Cantores conducted by Josep Vila Casañas, performed in Montserrat Abbey (July 13th) and Sagrada Família of Barcelona (July 14th). Photos by Xavi Solanas.

Video in solidarity with Catalan political prisoners and exiles

VIII-2018 / «Cants de la Llibertat presa» project by Bernat Vivancos 25th night in prison: «Una nit» Text by Carme Forcadell “Convertirem la tristesa en energia” Teresa Nogueron, clarinet. Bernat Vivancos, piano and composition. Anna Casanova, dance. Màrius Rubió, film director. Nani Pujol, photography director. Pau Vinyoles, sound (Estudi Cathy Loughran, photographer. Susanna Garcia Vila, producer. Video in solidarity with Catalan political prisoners and exiles.

Click here to watch the video
(photo: Cathy Loughran)

«El Cant dels ocells» for 18 violoncellos

VIII-2018 / On July 19th, on Església del Pi in Barcelona, an Interreligious prayer for 18 Catalan political prisoners and exiles was celebrated, including a version for 18 violoncellos of the Catalan folk song «el Cant dels ocells». Violoncellos: Núria Comorera (solo) – Núria Conangla – Miquel Felip – Jofre Gibert – Queralt Giralt – Arnau Gòdia – Diego Flores – Anna Llorens – Emmanuel Niubò – Joan Palet – Guillem Pareja – Ignasi Piera – Clàudia Romaní – Rafel Sala – Quim Tejedor – Mireia Vaquer – Guillem Vellvé – Georgina Viu.

Click here to watch the video

Video by SoAuri – Photos by Gemma Comas

«Cants de la Llibertat presa» project in solidarity with Catalan political prisoners and exiles

XI – 2017 / In solidarity with Catalan political prisoners and exiles, Bernat Vivancos composes for each night of prison a melody for solo clarinet, simbolizing the loneliness of the prisoner. Teresa Noguerón, clarinet, plays and records every day the melody and uploads it in the project Youtube channel. Every melody includes a sentence which message invite to meditate.

Click here to watch all videos
(photo: Cathy Loughran)

Vivancos’ music in Barcelona 11th World Symposium on Choral Music

VII-2017 / Intense presence of Vivancos’s music in the Barcelona 11th World Symposium on Choral Music WSCM (July 22nd to 29th ). Performances by different choirs in several concerts, among them highlighting «Avui és el dia» in Sagrada Familia by 600 singers (July 26th), and the World Premiere of «Lux Surgit Aurea» by Westminster Choir conducted by Joe  Miller (Auditori, July 28th and Montserrat, July 29th) Moreover Vivancos offered a conferece/presentation of his music (July 27th).

World Premiere of «L’Ametller» by Escolania de Montserrat for Kennedy’s birth centenary celebration

VII-2017 / On July 3rd within the concert for Kennedy’s Birth Centenary celebration Escolania de Montserrat, conducted by Llorenç Castelló, performed the World Premiere of «L’Ametller», with lyrics of Catalan poet Joan Maragall, comissioned by Classical Movements. The concert took place in John F.Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington.

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