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(alphabetical order)
Goigs a Nostra Dona
Ref. 0126
Improvisation I
Lucis Creator

Ref. 0022 | Download score | Youtube (video Scrolling-Score)
± 6 m. | 2012
Moustik’s étude

Ref. 0105 | Download score | Youtube (video Scrolling-Score)
± 3 m. | 2000
My Lullaby

for solo violin
(and ensemble of 8 pre-recorded violins)
Ref. 0103 | Download score | Spotify | Youtube (video Scrolling-Score)
± 12 m. | 2019
O Gloriosa Virginum Sublimis inter sidera
Trois méditations sur le Mystère du Noël
(alphabetical order)
A melody a day
Cants de la Llibertat presa
Ref. 0085
Càntic dels càntics
Marxa Nupcial “El somni d’una nit d’estiu”
Pregària blanca
Sonata a Scarlatti
Tres peces per a piano
for piano | 2002