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(alphabetical order)
for solo violin, 5 violoncellos and 2 Double bass
Ref. 0029a | Download score |
± 35 m. | 2006
Dos cants del Llibre Vermell de Montserrat

I. Mariam Matrem
II. Imperayritz
for 4 violins and percussions
Ref. 0021a | Download score |
± 14 m. | 2012
Ref. 0021a-01 | Separated Part of Violin I | Download score |
Ref. 0021a-02 | Separated Part of Violin II | Download score |
Ref. 0021a-03 | Separated Part of Violin III | Download score |
Ref. 0021a-04 | Separated Part of Violin IV | Download score |
Ref. 0021a-05 | Separated Part of Percussion | Download score |
I. Mariam Matrem
II. Imperayritz
for 4 violas and percussions
Ref. 0021b | Download score |
± 14 m. | 2012
Ref. 0021b-01 | Separated Part of Alto I | Download score |
Ref. 0021b-02 | Separated Part of Alto II | Download score |
Ref. 0021b-03 | Separated Part of Alto III | Download score |
Ref. 0021b-04 | Separated Part of Alto IV | Download score |
Ref. 0021b-05 | Separated Part of Percussion | Download score |
Dotze cançons a tres veus
for 3 viola da gamba
Ref. 0068b | Download score |
± 40 m. | 2018
I. Nit de Vetlla
Ref. 0068b-01 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-01 | Download score |
II. Muntanyes del Canigó
Ref. 0068b-02 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-02 | Download score |
III. El desembre congelat
Ref. 0068b-03 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-03 | Download score |
IV. El testament d’Amèlia
Ref. 0068b-04 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-04 | Download score |
V. La cançó del lladre
Ref. 0068b-05 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-05 | Download score |
VI. La presó de Lleida
Ref. 0068b-06 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-06 | Download score |
VII. La dama de Mallorca
Ref. 0068b-07 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-07 | Download score |
VIII. El mestre
Ref. 0068b-08 | Download score |
IX. Els Segadors
Ref. 0068b-09 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-09 | Download score |
X. El cant dels ocells
Ref. 0068b-10 | Download score |
Ref. 0068b2-10 | Download score |
XI. El Noi de la Mare
Ref. 0068b-11 | Download score |
XII. Santa nit
Ref. 0068b-12 | Download score |
Duo Seraphim
for 2 sopranos, 2 Cornettos, Consort of Viola da Gamba (Soprano, Ténor, Basse I, Basse II) and organ
Ref. 0092
± 45 m. | 2021
El cant dels ocells
for voice and piano
± 5 m. | 1995
El cant dels ocells IV
for soprano solo and cello octet
Ref. 0070
± 8 m. | 2017
L’ange envolé
for soprano and piano
Ref. 0104a
± 8 m. | 2020
Lc 2, 19
for alto flute and vibraphone
Ref. 0006 | Download score |
± 5 min. | 1999
My Lullaby
for solo violin and ensemble of 8 pre-recorded violins
Ref. 0103 | Spotify | Youtube (video Scrolling-Score)
± 12 m. | 2019
for clarinet quartet and percussion
Ref. 0071 | Download score (DINA4) | Ref. 0071-01 Download score (DINA3) | Spotify
± 15 m. | 2017
Ref. 0071-02 | Separated Part of Clarinet I | Download score |
Ref.0071-03 | Separated Part of Clarinet II | Download score |
Ref.0071-04 | Separated Part of Cor de Basset | Download score |
Ref.0071-05 | Separated Part of Bass Clarinet | Download score |
for solo violoncello and 4 violoncellos
Ref. 0043
± 16 m. | 2004
for string quartet
Ref. 0097
± 9 m. | 2021
Sicut cervus
for soprano and piano
Ref. 0109 | Download score | Youtube (video Scrolling-Score)
± 4 m. | 2020
Sis cançons mallorquines
I. Cançó d’olivarers
II. Cançó de s’espadar
III. Cançó des caçador
IV. Cançó de batre I
V. Cançó de batre II
VI: Cançó de sega
Voice and string quartet (version for voice and piano)
Ref. 0032
± 30 m. | 1992
Vocal Ice
for soprano solo and cello octet
Ref. 0065a | Download score | Spotify | Youtube (video Scrolling-Score)
± 10 m. | 2016
(alphabetical order)
I. Tortuga
II. Colomí
III. Cérvol
IV. Griva fètida
V. Rossinyol caduc
for voice and piano
± 20 m. | 1990
Calenda maia
for voice and piano (version for violin and piano)
± 6 m. | 1995
Cançó vella per a la més bella
for violin and viola
Ref. 0101
± 5 m. | 2019
Cançó de bressol
for voice and piano
± 6 m. | 1997
Cançó de l’amor senzill
for violin and piano
± 10 m. | 2006
Cançons de bressol dels Països Catalans
I. Vull dormir (Popular catalana)
II. Non-non, canta la mare (Rosselló)
III. Bressant (Tarragona)
IV. No ni nó (Menorca)
V. Non non, noneta (Tossa de Mar)
VI. La Don-don (Tarragona)
VII. Noni nonineta (Benimantell)
VIII. La son soneta (Popular catalana)
IX. Xiqui xiqui xiu (Menorca)
X. La Mare de Déu vindrà (Mequinensa)
XI. Son, son, veni, veni, veni (L’alguer)
XII. Non non (Sabadell)
XIII. El noi de la mare (Popular catalana)
XIV. Bressol (Cadaqués)
for voice and piano
± 35 m. | 1992
Càntic dels càntics
for horn and organ
± 12 m. | 1992
Cinq petits duos
I. Dissonances
II. Chanson
III. La-sol-fa-mi-re
IV. Prière
V. Brasileira
for 2 clarinets
± 18 m. | 1999
Cortina de fullatge
for voice and piano
± 4 m. | 1998
Deu salms per a la litúrgia i un Magnificat
I. Salm 16 – Quan em desvetlli
II. Salm 22 – El Senyor és el meu pastor
III. Salm 24 – Feu que conegui, Senyor
IV. Salm 29 – Escolteu, Senyor
V. Salm 30 – En Vós, Senyor, m’emparo
VI. Salm 62 – La meva ànima
VII. Salm 65 – Aclama Déu, tota la terra
VIII. Salm 102 – Beneeix, Senyor, ànima meva
IX. Salm 103 – Senyor, Déu meu, que en sou de gran
X. Salm 137 – Us enalteixo, Senyor
for voice and organ
± 40 m. | 1992/97
for flute, clarinet, violoncello, piano, harpsichord, percussion
± 13 m. | 1998
Dues cançons del llibre de Sinera
I. En la nit deserta
II. Moll d’aigua de mar
for voice and piano
± 9 m. | 1995/96
Dues evocacions sobre proverbis amorosos a l’estil francès
I. Une femme qui est belle a toujours de l’esperit; elle a l’esprit d’être belle
II. L’amour n’est que le roman du choeur, c’est le plñaisir qui en est l’histoire
Dues invocacions
I. Ave Maris Stella
II. Rosa mística
for string quartet
± 9 m. | 1993
És Nadal que passa…
for voice, violoncello and piano
± 6 m. | 1990
Gounod’s Ave Maria
for voice and organ/piano
± 6 m. | 2005
for string quartet
± 5 m. | 1994
Lo jardí de la mort
for voice and piano
± 6 m. | 1993
Pour le plaisir…
I. Tristesse
II. Berceuse
III. Prière
IV. Adeline
V. Chanson ancienne
for clarinet and piano (version for flute and piano)
± 30 m. | 1997
Quatre Salves arcàiques a llaor de la gloriosa i sempre benaurada Verge Maria de Montserrat
for 8 horns and percussions
Ref. 0110a
± 11 m. | 2020
Quatre Salves arcàiques a llaor de la gloriosa i sempre benaurada Verge Maria de Montserrat
for 8 trombones and percussions
Ref. 0110b
± 11 m. | 2020
Quatre Salves arcàiques a llaor de la gloriosa i sempre benaurada Verge Maria de Montserrat
for horn, organ and percussions
Ref. 0110c
± 11 m. | 2020
Schumannesque o la cançó de les records
for clarinet and piano
± 5 m. | 1997
Sons cachés
I. Homélie pour un homme
II. TaKa 1PoZer
III. Les sables du désert
for mezzosoprano and saxophone quartet
± 15 m. | 2001
Suite française
I. Choral
II. Bagatelle
III. Danse du bourdon
IV. Danse du canard
V. Rondeau
for saxophone quintet
± 20 m. | 1999
Tres cançons populars de Nadal
I. No-ni-nó
II. la Mare de Déu vindrà
III. El Noi de la Mare
Voice and string quartet (version for voice and piano)
± 14 m. | 1992
Tres pregàries per abans d’anar a dormir
II. Parenostre
III. Salve
for voice and piano
± 6 m. | 1996
Un somni
for 6 clarinets
± 8 m. | 1994
Un tacot tocat nu
for 2 pianos (8 hands)
± 6 m. | 1993